Fecha de creación: 29/06/2023
Tipología: Productos Resultados de Actividades de Generación de Nuevo Conocimiento

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Resumen del producto

El objetivo fue documentar los efectos que tuvo el confinamiento obligatorio generado por la pandemia de Covid 19 en la salud mental de docentes universitarios Se revisaron estudios publicados entre enero de 2020 y abril de 2023 en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Ebsco, Scielo, Redalyc y Google académico entre enero de 2020 y abril de 2023.

Abstract del producto

The sudden change generated at the time of the context of the Covid -19 pandemic, in university teachers led them to experience changes as a result of confinement where it implied the development of their academic work from another context and making use of other forms and strategies. educational technologies. Objective: To analyze the cultural dimensions of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on university teachers from three educational centers in Colombia and one in Mexico. Methodology: study design: cognitive cultural anthropological, focuses on analyzing how people from different cultures acquire information about the world, how they process it, make decisions and act in ways considered appropriate for other members of their culture (cultural transmission). It is developed in four university centers in Colombia and Mexico, 160 teachers are studied in the first phase of the study through free listings through an open online survey.

Findings: the term work overload was included in the four participating sites, with the greatest weight in Bogotá and Cali (Colombia). And in the personal, the presence of COVID-19 itself, negative emotional states, and economic-social effects resulting from prevention measures were highlighted. Also, in complex processes of adaptation, learning and transformation in the use of technological teaching media. Conclusions: the confinement, the uncertainty of the disease, the presence in their families and the changes in the work-family context generated an impact on their professional, personal, economic and social spheres in the teachers of the studied university centers in Colombia and Mexico. 

Palabras clave

Salud mental, Covid 19, profesores universitarios, cualitativo, inglés, español.